I've got a couple of posts in mind, but for some reason I've been slow about actually writing them up. So here's a cut and paste from a yahoo forum post:
Life is carrying on. I've continued to make some progress, mostly with little stuff. Letting my clean clothes touch the (fairly dirty) floor and putting them away anyway. Mingling my clean and already worn clothes in the closet, which I haven't done for literally years.
I shopped at a thrift store this week, and attended my mom's big rummage sale, although I didn't summon the courage to help with cleanup like I usually do.Ordered a few things online, even though it scared me.
So, all good. I didn't ride the bus to work, but I did hop on a bus for a brief trip down the street when it rained on me this week [and I'm planning to ride to work tomorrow].
I'm working a bit on cognitive restructuring stuff. Despite my successes, I still wander through life with an undercurrent of dread, almost always related to changes in my routine. So I'm trying to retrain my brain that changes in routine can be exciting! fun! opportunities for awesomeness to come into my life! We'll see how that goes!
My Apologies!
5 years ago