As I've noted recently, the hardest thing for me to do is to not jump in and over manage my life when things make me nervous. Something I do A LOT is move visits to my family forward. For instance, I'll be scheduled to see them on the weekend, but I'll get this nervous OCD feeling that someone will be sick by the weekend, so I'll call on a Wednesday or Thursday and ask to come over and say hi that afternoon or evening.
This week I got that feeling on a Thursday, and for the first time I can remember, I chose to just sit with the anxiety, and schedule the meetings around my sister's schedule. So, we got together on Saturday, as originally planned. By Friday, the anxiety was pretty much gone, too. I also, for the first time in several months, didn't take a shower just prior to visiting family.
Both are big steps, both I hope I can maintain.
My Apologies!
5 years ago
You are making some serious progress! I love seeing how you are building momentum. It's so nice. I supposed battling OCD is kind of like starting a healthy eating regimen - it's hard to start at first but eventually it gets a lot easier. Congrats! I look forward to hearing more!