Saturday, February 5, 2011

Three Steps Forward (and one step back)

Yesterday evening was great! I went to a scary social event that I'd all but decided I wasn't going to. There were people I knew were sick, plus someone whose kid might have strep. I went, I shook people's hands, ate food with those hands, and stayed the whole time. I introduced myself to at least 3 people I'd never met before.

When I got back to my car, I did not use the hand sanitizer I had there, and I went grocery shopping on my way home. It felt great!

My one step back? At the second store I shopped at, the clerk had a cold sore. I did okay for a bit, even ran my hand through my hair. But when I got home, I found I was very particular about what I touched- even wiped down my phone.

So, not perfect. But still a good OCD night. And it was fun, too.


  1. Awesome! Even with the one step back, you're further ahead than you were before. Good job!

  2. Yay! And I like the way you celebrated your accomplishments even with a mistake. I tend to act as if my mistakes discredit my successes, even though they really don't.
